Thursday 26 December 2013

Web Page Design: Are You Missing The Focus Upon Typography?

Typography is the simplest factor that is often gone non-valued but it is critical catalyst in the success of any web page design. Here in this post, I share my views about the Typography to make your web page designing concepts better delivering in terms of improved readability.

Creativity is the fundamental requirements for the web designers but it should be result oriented at the end. There are numbers of factors that contribute in the overall score of a newly designed web page;  each factor has its own importance that can’t be ignored. Typography is the simplest factor that is often gone non-valued but it is critical catalyst in the success of any web page design. Here in this post, I share my views about the Typography based upon the popular practices being followed by the successful web designers.

First, I will talk about ‘Leading’. It is the space in between the lines of text. It is the most commonly known aspect of typography. It affects the readability of text. Leading needs to be optimized  according to preferred type face, weight, covered next volume and size etc. I like about 2.5pts larger leading compared to fonts size; though this preference depends upon the overall visual appeal.

‘Measure’ is second aspect that is generally overlooked often in numbers nicely designed templates. Measure is e width of text used in web page design. If it is too wide, it makes tough for the readers to glance their sight smoothly in between the lines. If it is too narrow, it delivers stress creating the possibility of missing the provided information. Using approximate 80 characters in max width is a good practice. The thumb rule for this task can be followed: 10px font’s size x 30 = 300 px width measure.

The next primary aspect of blogs that draws mine and probably most of readers’ attention is the ‘text alignment’. Using justified content alignment is a traditional practice but I never think it good because it spaces the words out awkwardly to increase reading difficulty level; never compromise with readability. Effective visual hierarchy of web page design is generally underestimated by the web page designers because they stress more upon the other technical aspects to make the website features rich. Here, I feel that just the feature richness doesn’t guarantee the SEO friendliness of a webpage.